Emily Remnant

Emily Remnant

I am a geneticist and evolutionary biologist investigating how insects respond to changes in their environment. I use genetics and genomics to study genes involved in resistance to chemical insecticides, and to investigate the impact of viral diseases on beneficial insects like honey bees. I use laboratory and bioinformatics techniques including next generation sequencing, metagenomics, and controlled lab experiments with insects along with field collections, to understand the molecular basis of evolution.

See staff profile here for a full list of publications and contact information.

Awards and Honours

  • Science and Innovation Awards: Can we immunise honeybees against virulent viruses? Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Rural Industries Research and Development corporation category and overall Minister’s Prize
  • Australian Awards Endeavour Fellowship: Generating honeybees that are resistant to viruses. Department of Education and Training – 6 month fellowship conducted at the University of Otago, Dunedin NZ