Membership and journal

Become a member

Membership in the Australian Chapter of the IUSSI is very inexpensive. and in addition to the benefits of membership mentioned on the home page, members can avoid paying page charges when publishing in the society journal Insectes Sociaux, and subscribe at a reduced rate (see info below)

Membership is so inexpensive that members are encouraged to join for a number of years when renewing, to avoid worrying about annual reminders and to help limit the costs of maintaining membership to the Australian section (which equals more money for members!).

The incredibly low-cost-high-value membership dues are as follows:

  • Full Member: AUD$12
  • Student Member: AUD$6

Preferred payment method:

Electronic transfer: BSB 062284 Account number 10219348
Followed by email to the Treasurer Ros Gloag (

Paypal payment is also available for those outside Australia.

If you have any enquiries, please email Ros Gloag (

Society Journal: Insectes Sociaux

Members of the Australian Chapter of the IUSSI can receive the journal Insectes Sociaux for a reduced price.

Insectes Sociaux, first published in 1952, is the journal of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI). It covers the various aspects of the biology and evolution of social insects and other presocial arthropods; these include ecology, ethology, morphology, population genetics, reproduction, communication, sociobiology, caste differentiation, and social parasitism. The journal publishes original research papers and reviews, as well as short communications. An international editorial board of 21 eminent specialists attests to the high quality of Insectes Sociaux, a forum for all scientists and readers interested in the study of social insects.

Springer will directly handle all subscriptions to Insectes Sociaux and will check chapter membership with the secretary. Members who wish to subscribe to Insectes Sociaux should click here.

The journal is looking for high-quality reviews. Writing reviews is an excellent way to consolidate ideas, to explore new thoughts, and to review current and relevant literature on a topic of your choice.

Review topics should be clearly defined, directly related to social arthropods, carry implications of wider scientific interest, and be timely.

Review manuscripts are subject to the standard peer review process, so acceptance is not guaranteed, and manuscripts that mainly summarize published or unpublished data by the review’s author(s) will not be considered. The maximum length of review articles is 10 printed pages (very roughly 65,000 characters including spaces). Authors also have the option to upload Supplementary online materials.

If you or someone in your lab is interested, the authors should send a short summary (1–2 paragraphs) that explains the intended topic, why the review would be timely, a brief indication of the structure, including a list of addressed topics, to Chris Reid (