

The study of social insects has a long and rich history, and is associated with some of the classic papers in behaviour and evolution. From Darwin’s dilemma regarding the evolution of sterile castes, to resolving key mechanisms that underpin their bewildering self-organisation, to managing their economic impact in agriculture and as pests, social insects remain a pillar of biological research in the post-genomic era.

The Australasian Section of the IUSSI (International Union for the Study of Social Insects) aims to bring together the social insect research communities of Australia, New Zealand, and surrounding islands into a single forum on a regular basis, keeping in line with meetings of other IUSSI sections.

Benefits of membership

The joy of studying social insects is enhanced by the development of our own social networks, improving our ability to meet and collaborate with others with similar interests.

Specific activities have been designed to include the benefits of membership:

  • the maintenance of an active Society web page, providing members with updates in the world of social insects and the activity of its members
  • annual symposia, usually held in association with other relevant conferences in the Australasian region (past examples include conferences of the Genetics Society of Australasia, Australasian Evolution Society, Australasian Entomological Society, and Animal Behaviour Society)
  • receipt of society newsletters providing updates on member activities, conferences, research, and employment opportunities
  • opportunity to apply for Society funding to support research activity and conference participation (we provided financial support for 20 individuals to attend IUSSI2018 Brazil!)

Photos in banner by Simon Robson, Boris Yagound, and Yi-Kai Tea. Logo design by Luke Chenoweth.